- Week 4: Day 6

Pods, Blogs and where to REJECT

Greetings Faculty,
Get out your reading glasses for the attachments. The hour is getting late. Three timely files are worth your time and effort – especially if you are ambivalent about your vote – or you know someone who is.
My annotated critique of the CEC proposal, presented last night
The Bargaining Team’s comparison of their and the CEC’s Final Offer
The Ontario Labour Relations Board ’s (OLRB) Notice of Vote
If you feel like a good listen, check out a great podcast hosted by the SheridanLifeRadio Club at Sheridan College. This episode features an interview with
·      Sheridan Faculty Union President, Jack Urowitz, who makes a startling prediction and
·      Sheridan Student President, Enrique Ponce, who laments the shortness of his audience with Minister Deb Matthews, and
·      a glimpse inside the mind of an international student and his father after they attended a Town Hall hosted by
·      Sheridan’s Provost and Vice-President Academic, Janet Morrison.
You can also find the podcast on our blog as well as movie clips and pics from last night’s GM/rally, including the opening talk by Kevin Mackay of our Bargaining Team. It is linked to our website, addresses below.

Jack Urowitz,
President, OPSEU Local 244
Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
(905) 845-9430 Extension 2832
Union Office 4065