Ontario Faculty have Rejected the Offer!

In an unprecedented turn-out, and a 95% response rate, 86% of faculty who voted have rejected the CEC's final offer presented to on November 6th 2017.  That totals 10477 who rejected versus 1663 who accepted the CEC's offer.

To everyone who has put countless hours into picketing, social networks and public rallies, we thank you. Your energy, your passion and your creativity has not gone unnoticed.  The dialog around the status of employment, minimum wage, and precarious work in Ontario has reached thousands of Ontarians. There are still many questions to be asked, and bars to be raised. But our community has stood together for a good cause. The gains to be had by our fight was not just ours, but for all of Ontario.

We have grown to be a strong and close community over the last 5 weeks, a community that spans cities across all corners of the province.  We can be at peace with the fact that we not only brought a great deal of attention to the inequities in Colleges and the Post-Secondary system, but also to the Gig Economy that has been normalized in Ontario. We stand together and stood our ground for future generations. Next, the CEC and the Union shall be brought together through mediation and facilitated through a process that the CEC could have CHOSEN to engage in from the beginning.  

Be proud to have been part of an historical event, stand united.

In Solidarity